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The time I am using is Singapore time GMT(+8.00)
The blogger time is 16 hour behind time which I think is GMT(-8.00).

Issues in Teaching and Learning Science

Here, I will talk about some problems I faced in my understanding of the science syllabus. 

Some problems that I faced in learning science:

  Being a Hwa Chong Student, I am aware that Hwa Chong wants us to be independent to study ourself and read into more in depth topics.

   However, being my first year in the school, I had difficulties catching up in lessons as it was a big jump from primary school. 

  After my first science lesson, I started to worry and feel the need of having to do self-study. I also understood the importance of paying careful attention in class as once an important point is missed, I will gain lesser knowledge which is crucial towards my learning. 

How I overcame these problems:

I read through the science notes before every lesson to get a brief understanding of the topic and comprehend information better when the teacher goes through the lesson so that I will not be lost. Also, I tried to get more sleep each day so that I can be mentally awake in class and listen attentively to the teacher. 

  Sometimes when I don't understand I would either ask my teacher or I will research online. This has help me to have a better understanding in what I am learning.

I have done a summary of my understanding for each of the chapters I have learnt (as shown below):

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