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Reflections on termly personal performance and growth development in Science

2) Reflections on termly personal performance and growth development in Science

A) Personal Performance

Class test scores:

Term 1: A2 (33.5)
Term 2: A2 (33.5)
Term 3: A1 (37.5)

Term 1

My target for science is A1 and my plan to achieve my target is paying attention in class, doing more assessments and understand all the science concepts. First of all, in all my tests and exams, I will try my best to ensure that there  are no careless mistakes (which I always have). Finally, I will understand the question totally before doing.

Recently I have been making quite a lot of careless mistakes and I wish to correct that but due to time constraint in test I am unable to fully comprehend the questions as I am very nervous about the timing.

Term 2

For this test I am a little unsure about measurements which pulled down my grade to A2. I put in quite an amount of effort to prepare for this test. However, I still can't get A1 and peharp I was not careful enough as I made many careless mistakes which is .........unacceptable.

Term 3

I realise something after my Term 3 test. That is that careless mistakes are very vital in the sense it can pull your grade down a lot. This term test, I am happy I got quite high a mark but my target is 40 and above and I believe that if I am able to overcome by careless mistakes I will be able to excel.

B) Growth development

There are only a few parts which I do not understand: The function of the ratchet in the micro screw gauge, the periodic table, the density and the SI units etc. When I do not understand certain things, I would either ask the teacher or find it on the web. I will also find some references book to read about the topic that I do not understand to get a full understanding of it. If I still don't understand then I will go to my teacher to ask him.

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