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The time I am using is Singapore time GMT(+8.00)
The blogger time is 16 hour behind time which I think is GMT(-8.00).

Term 1: Science as an inquiry

Term One:

(1) Science as an Inquiry

  I studied this topic at the start of this year in term 1 and it was a rather easy topic as it was only an introduction to what we could expect to study for Science for the rest of the year. We were introduced to lab safety rules and how to use all the different apparatus which were available in the lab, for instance, the round bottom flasks and the bunsen burner. 

  We were also taught how to use these apparatus to set up proper experimental set-ups when doing experiments. In addition, knowledge on what we must observe in doing various experiments were also passed down to us from our Science teacher Mr Tan. 

  However, I do have some difficulties remembering some things in science. For example the characteristics of non-luminous and luminous flame, function of the hatchet and so on. Later on I discovered that memorising is not effective, it is understanding that keeps the information in us so I decided to understand instead.

    I have learnt a few scientific concept like what is the cause of a Strikeback, how to cause a luminous flame, why does the flame need oxygen to keep it burning etc. These knowledge can help us avoid dangers when in the lab and handle the respective equipment properly. 

  There are also things that I learnt which is beyond my textbooks, for example: The attitude a scientist must have, the abuses of science, the benefits of science and how it can help in various fields etc.

This are the Do's and Don't in the lab.

Dos in the Lab
  1. Follow teacher’s instructions
  2. Keep notebooks and papers away from heating equipment, glassware, chemicals and flames
  3. Spillages on the floor must be cleared up immediately
  4. Leave benches and tables dry and clean before leaving the lab
  5. Wear safety goggles whenever doing experiments
  6. Wash hands after every experiment
  7. Point test tubes away from your friends, at a 45 degree angle
Dont’s in the Lab
  1. Enter the lab without teacher’s permission
  2. Run or behave roughly in the lab
  3. Eat or drink in the lab
  4. Smell or taste any reagents unless instructed to do so
  5. Put paper or solid objects in the sink
  6. Mix chemicals unless instructed to do so
  7. Look directly into the top of the test tube

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