Time zone

The time I am using is Singapore time GMT(+8.00)
The blogger time is 16 hour behind time which I think is GMT(-8.00).

Term 3: Cells

What are cells?

They are the basic unit of life.


Nucleus:  Control activities in the cell
Contains genetic information that will be passed on from one generation to the other

Cell Membrane: Semi-Permeable
Allows certain materials to enter and exit the cell

Cytoplasm: Contains cell parts
Allow activities to take part within the cell

Vacuole: Small spaces in cytoplasm containing food, water, waste materials, etc
Small and numerous in animal cell

Cell membrane: Functions similar to that of the animal cell
Cytoplasm: Reduced to a thin lining
Still contains water and other substances, still a place for chemical reactions
Vacuole: Single, large
Keeps cell firm, taking in water
Stores plant sap
Chloroplasts: Contains green pigment chlorophyll to help plants to photosynthesise and make food
Tiny disc-like structures
Absent in animal cells
Cellulose cell wall: Gives the plant cell a fixed shape
Surrounds plant cell
Absent in animal cell

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