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The time I am using is Singapore time GMT(+8.00)
The blogger time is 16 hour behind time which I think is GMT(-8.00).

Self directed and independent research learning – critical reviews of contemporary science issues


3) Self directed and independent research learning – critical reviews of contemporary 
science issues

Obesity: Some people may think that the obesity of overweight individuals is solely their responsibility but is that true? Lets take a look at the big picture and look at some of the influences. When you walk past the potato chip section in the supermarket, do you have the temptation to buy them? Certainly! Also take a look at the supermarket's candy section, have you ever wondered why is it placed at the bottom of the rack? Is it to attract toddler or children? That is definitely the reason for their action. I have heard many toddlers and children screaming at the top of their voice just because their parents do not buy the sweet in front of their eyes. Practically, the supermarket co. does not even care about how many obese children are there in their country, they are only money-greedy. These supermarket earn millions of dollars over years using this crafty method.
Now that I know what is actually happening, I would try not to go to any of the "Junk food" section.

There is another reason why people are obese, that is because fast food restaurants make their food so delicious to entice those ignorant children.

People do not make a conscious choice, they just want to enjoy life and do whatever they like without thinking about the consequences. People need to be educated, they need to make wise decisions on the food they eat and the activities they do. Changing your habit is up people themselves and they should not just keep eating and neglect their health or sometimes even their life.

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