Time zone

The time I am using is Singapore time GMT(+8.00)
The blogger time is 16 hour behind time which I think is GMT(-8.00).

Lab Lesson 1: Science Laboratory Rules


It was my first lesson in the Hwa Chong science laboratory and we were basically just briefed on the dangers and precautions to take in the lab. Also, we went to know what was in the lab.

 We were taught about the different hazard symbols and their meaning, such as 





I enjoyed this lab lesson as it is my first time in the Hwa Chong science laboratory, as I got to know about many new stuff in the lab which could not be found in my primary school. It made me tingle with excitement when I saw all the interesting equipment around.

   However, I am also aware about the possible hazards which are still clear in my mind and also the safety precautions to take in the lab to prevent such accidents from happening.  Safety always come first and I never joke in the Science lab as accidents are fatal at times.

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